Below is our list of donors. As a nonprofit organization we would cease to exist without donations. Thank you to everybody below who has helped us continue to push forward to provide high quality education in the Pacific Northwest!

Meal Sponsors

The following names are the donors who generously sponsored a meal for the corps.

Gatorade Donors:

Jeff Chambers Music
Julie Ann Anderson
Kristin Mackley
Dreibelbis and Finnestad Family
Thomas Arnold
Kahi and Noelani
Corin Brynmor
Eileen Logman
Ken and Evie Arnold
Diane Call
IHS Property Management

Lunch Donors:

Tasha Griffin
Teresa and Micheal Snoozy
Michael and Yvonne Miller
Hall and Dottie Canfield

PB&J Donors:

Sara Drollinger
Andi Schaefer
Corin Brymor
Corin Brynmor

Dinner Donors:

David C. Giradot
Michael and Yvonne Miller
Dreibelbis and Finnestad Family
Harley Brown

Sponsor the Whole Day!

K&S Farm Scott and Karin Flannery

Breakfast Donors:

Kirk Knight
Eileen Logman
Corin Brynmor
The Downey Family
Jim and Nancy LeBlanc
Jennifer and Ronnie Sewell
Mark and Laurie Temple
Kelly Brown
Evelyn Arnold

Fourth Meal Donors:

April Peterson
Leanne F. Johns
Enid Flynn
Lynn Hess
Jessica Adamson
Robin A. Vitali
Kathryn Griffin
Ted and Kathy Fuller
Michael and Yvonne Miller

Click here to get on this list!

Mile Sponsors

The following names are the donors who generously sponsored miles for the corps.

Dave and Kathy Blanchard
Robert and Stacey Jones
Peggy Edmunds
Robert Kohnle
Michael Miller
Heather Lane

Click here to get on this list!

The River Donors

The following names are our subscribers to “The River”.

Brass Tier

Joseph Riordan
Naomi Williams
Trevor H. Harnell

Bronze Tier

Stacey Jones

Silver Tier

Gold Tier

Stephen and Jessica Adamson

Platinum Tier

Matt Henderson